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John Abele lectures

iSMIT conference Barcelona 2012

John Abele lecture “The Future in Medical Simulation – Update on the New American National Initiative” presented by Richard Satava

iSMIT conference Baden-Baden 2013

John Abele lecture “Cerebral Revascularization: Simulations and measurements in the pursuit of perfection” presented by Fady Charbel, M.D.
Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

iSMIT conference Brno 2015

John Abele lecture “Best Medical Device Marketing Practices for Digital Age” presented by Joe Hage from Mayo Clinic 


iSMIT conference Delft 2016

John Abele lecture “The development of eye-catching companies“ presented by Ger Vijfvinkel & Adien Dam (Oftavinci Research BV), CEO at D.O.R.C. Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center.

iSMIT conference Turin 2017

 John Abele lecture: “Design and testing of innovative MR Molecular Imaging reporters” presented by Prof. Silvio Aime from University of Torino

iSMIT conference Seoul 2018

John Abele lecture  “The future of O.R robots” presented by Amir Szold, MD, FACS
Medical Director, Assia Medical Group

iSMIT conference Heilbronn 2019

John Abele lecture “Artificial intelligence in medicine” presented by Stefanie Speidel, Dresden, Germany

iSMIT conference Chicago 2020

John Abele lecture: “Bringing Surgery to 2 million patients each year” presented by John Adler

iSMIT conference Oslo 2021/2022

John Abele lecture

”How to Fertilize a research environment to grow innovations into companies”

presented by Eirik Næss-Ulseth, M.SC. an entrepreneur, business developer and investor

iSMIT conference Lukang / Taiwan 2023

John Abele lecture “Surgery Beyond Robotics: Directed Energy for Non-invasive Surgery and non-healthcare core technologies including AI and 5G/6G telecommunications eco system” presented by Rick Satava, moderated by Jacques Marescaux

iSMIT Conference Caceres / Spain 2024

John Abele lecture “The Central Command Suite: Future proofing next-generation surgical environments to embrace the Digital Operating Room” presented by Carlos Amato (USA)