Benefits overview
Standard and special membership
free subscription of MITAT journal (hard copies and online access)
participation at SMIT Annual International Conferences at reduced registration fee
free access to General Assembly
Eligible to fellowships, grants, awards and prizes in association with SMIT Annual International Conference
Participation in scientific activities of SMIT multi centric groups
Eligible to election to the Steering Committee
Associate and block membership
Eligible to fellowships, grants, awards and prizes in association with SMIT Annual International Conference
Participation in scientific activities of SMIT multi centric groups
Membership fees
250,00 €
For institutional members, physicians, engineers and scientists from academia and industry
145,00 €
Technicians, engineers and medical practitioners in training; applicable only if approved by a letter of the Head of Department, nurses
50,00 €
institutions with at least one paid standard member. Up to 5 associated members coming from the same institution pay 50,- Euro each. Valid only for one single period of 3 years.
50,00 €
Societies, professional groups or comparable legal entities coming from one country and already subscribe to MITAT. Minimum 30 members. One standard member introduces the society
Alternatively, you can submit membership to us via email using the form below.